


We are doing our best to prepare the content of this site. However, Rx Audit Assistance cannot warranty the expressions and suggestions of the contents, as well as its accuracy. In addition, to the extent permitted by the law, Rx Audit Assistance shall not be responsible for any losses and/or damages due to the usage of the information on our website.

The links contained on our website may lead to external sites, which are provided for convenience only. Any information or statements that appeared in these sites are not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise approved by our site. For these external sites, Rx Audit Assistance cannot be held liable for the availability of, or the content located on or through it. Plus, any losses or damages occurred from using these contents or the internet generally.

Furthermore, all audits are dynamic with different levels of uncertainty. Thus, results may vary from one pharmacy to another.


Trade Secrets/ Non-Compete Statement

The herein contained Agreement shall remain in effect in perpetuity, and shall be subject to an extension of Trade Secrets/ Non-Compete Statement [I acknowledge to Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) (including, as used herein, any affiliates of Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA))] [I acknowledge that one of the factors Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) considered and relied on in offering a contractor agreement to me was my willingness to sign and execute this statement. I also acknowledge to Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) (including, as used herein, any affiliates of Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA))] o I am aware of trade secrets and/or other confidential or proprietary information concerning the business plans, strategies, tactics, manufacturing know-how, good will, sources of supply, customers and other trade secrets or confidential information not generally known to others engaged in similar businesses; and, o During the course of my continued contractor agreement, I will become aware of trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information concerning the business plans, strategies, tactics, manufacturing know-how, sources of supply, customers and other trade secrets or confidential information not generally known to others engaged in similar businesses. I agree that Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) is entitled to be protected from the possibility that I may seek to become or actually become associated with a business that competes with Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA). This would be unfair competition, because I have, and will have, extensive knowledge about Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA), including the confidential information described above. I also agree: o For a period of two years immediately following my voluntary termination, as a contractor of Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA), I shall not, directly or indirectly, work for or associate with any business that competes in trade or commerce with Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA); and to Always to refrain from any direct or indirect use or disclosure (whether intentional, negligent or reckless) of any trade secret or confidential or proprietary information belonging to Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) to any person or business, without regard to the nature of my termination; and, o To refrain from taking any action that will cause the termination or interference of existing business relationships between or among Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA), Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA) employees, and any of their customers or contractors for three years following my voluntary termination from Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA). My decision to sign this clause was made voluntarily and freely; I acknowledge that if I violate any of the terms of this clause, I will cause severe, immediate and irreparable harm to Rx Audit Assistance (RXAA). I acknowledge that this statement does not, and will not, alter my status as an independent contractor. If any of the terms of this clause are found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable due to the duration, scope, geography or territory, I agree that the court shall be authorized to construe or interpret these terms in a manner that makes this clause enforceable within that jurisdiction. The law of the State of California (excluding its conflict of laws provisions) shall govern the meaning, construction and interpretation of this clause even if I am contracted elsewhere. This clause may not be changed or amended unless it is in writing and signed by the parties. months if both parties are still discussing and contemplating a business transaction or relationship at the end of the original term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties' duties to maintain in confidence any and all Confidential Information that may have been disclosed during the term shall thus remain in effect indefinitely.